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Every year the Parish Council is required to hold an Annual Meeting. This meeting is always held in May. One of the main purposes of this meeting is to appoint a Chairman and Vice Chairman for the Council as a whole and to appoint the Chairman and Vice Chairman to the Council's Committees.
Annual Parish
All Parish and Town Councils throughout England are required by law to hold an Annual Parish Meeting, which must take place between 1st March and the 1st June (inclusive). Croxley Green's Annual Parish Meeting is held in April each year and it's main purpose is for the Council to report what it has been doing over the last year and enables the electors to have their say on anything which they consider is important to the community. The Annual Parish Meeting is a meeting of all the local government electors for the Parish i.e those on the Electoral Role for Croxley Green. It is not a Meeting of the Parish Council unlike the Annual Meeting or other Council meetings held throughout the year. At the meeting an Annual Report is given by the Chairman of the Council and by each of the Chairman of the Council's Committees.
Finance and Administration
Chairman: Cllr David Tobin Vice Chairman: Cllr Natalie Reed Meeting Date: Last Thursday of the month (when possible) - alternate months with the Council meeting Areas of Policy include: Finance, administration, personnel and property.
Full Council
The full Council of 16 elected Members meet alternate months (with the F&A Meeting) with the exception of May and August.
HR & Compliance
Chairman: Cllr David Tobin Vice Chairman: Cllr Natalie Reed Meeting Date: ad hoc Areas of Policy include: The HR and Compliance Committee are responsible for recruitment, reviewing staff appraisals, disciplinary policies and other HR matters. The Members of this Committee are the Chairman, Vice Chairman of the Council and Cllrs Benner & Hughes.
Leisure, Events & Environment
Chairman: Cllr David Montague Vice Chairman: Cllr Susan Hughes Meeting Date: first Tuesday of the month January, March, May, July, September, November The Leisure, Events & Environment Committee is responsible for considering policy on aspects such as Playing Fields, The Green, Open Space and Trees, Leisure Activities, Landscaping Proposals, Footpath Maintenance, Litter, Conservation, Recycling and War Memorials. Other matters may also be referred from Council to the Committee to consider.
Meeting Calendar
Planning and Development
Chairman: Cllr Guy Parks Vice Chairman: Cllr Andrew Gallagher Meeting Date: first Thursday and third Tuesday of each month Areas of Policy include: Planning applications, Town Planning, Public Transport, Road Safety, Village Appraisal and Sign Posting.