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Hazel Seeley Award Nominations 2020

Public nominations are now open for the Hazel Seeley Award 2020

Published: 21 March 2023

Public nominations are now open for the Hazel Seeley Award 2020

Each year Croxley Green Parish Council awards the Hazel Seeley Award to an individual or group in recognition of the work they do for the benefit of the community of Croxley Green.

The award, in the style of a civic award, is named after former Parish Councillor, Hazel Seeley, whom served continuously on the Croxley Green Parish Council for 18 years.  Hazel was the recipient of the award in its inaugural year in 2016.

Last year’s award was jointly won by David Neighbour and Croxley Green History Project (represented by Margaret Pomfret and Lynn Withington).

Nominees for the award may be of any age but they should reside in Croxley Green, or their work should be for an individual or organisation based within the village.

Some examples of the help that nominees might give are:

  • Caring for people within the community
  • Carrying out voluntary work
  • Artistic and cultural achievements in the community
  • Service to the general public
  • Being a good neighbour

This list is by no means exclusive. Other examples will always be considered.

The nominations will be judged by a selection of Parish Councillors.

Successful nominees will be notified by Monday 30th March 2020 and they will be invited to an Awards Ceremony in the Village Hall, Community Centre on Thursday 23rd April 2020.

Photographs will be taken during the evening.

Nominators for the successful candidate(s) will also be invited to the ceremony and will be asked to read out why they have nominated the individual.



  • Nominees for the award may be of any age but they should reside in Croxley Green, or their work should be for an individual or organisation based within the village
  • Current Croxley Green Parish Councillors, their employees and previous winners are not eligible for nomination
  • Parish Councillors should not nominate individuals; requests should be submitted by members of the community only
  • Nominations will not be accepted from family members
  • The nominee must be alive at the time this nomination form is completed
  • Couples may be nominated on one form


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