Parish Council Funds Speed Indicator Device
CGPC funds a new speed indicator sign on The Green.
Published: 20 October 2023

Croxley Green Parish Council is very pleased to have funded a new Speed Indicator Device (SID) sign on The Green.
The Parish Council is well aware of residents concerns about speeding in certain parts of the village and accident statistics for Croxley Green show that the location/s for most accidents have been on The Green, where drivers regularly exceed the speed limit of 30mph.
Following our request, HCC (Herts County Council) carried out a survey of speeds of vehicles driving on The Green. Although the survey did indicate many speeding vehicles, the mean speed recorded was just 0.02mph too low to meet HCC criteria as set out in their Speed Management Strategy, so it would not allow them to fund and install a SID.
The Parish Council instead agreed to fund the sign which we hope will encourage drivers to be mindful of their speeds and reduce it when necessary. The cost is around £5,000 and includes installation and five years ongoing maintenance by HCC.
The sign has been funded from the Parish Council’s share of the Community Infrastructure Levy . The Community Infrastructure Levy is a charge which can be levied by local authorities on new development in their area. This means that the sign has been funded at no cost to Croxley Green residents. Your council tax has not been increased to fund the sign.
This project was lead by Parish Councillor, Guy Parks, Chairman of the Parish Council’s Planning & Development committee.
The Parish Council would like to thank HCC for their help and support in installing the device. If you notice any defects, or damage to the sign, please get in touch and let us know.