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Planning for the Future

The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government recently consulted on its White Paper.

Published: 21 March 2023

The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government recently consulted on its White Paper: Planning for the Future which outlined their proposals for reforming the planning system in England, covering plan-making, development management, development contributions, and other related policy proposals.

The Council reviews every planning application submitted in Croxley Green and we understand how important the issues of planning and housing are to our community.

As the tier of government closest to the people of Croxley Green we always try to ensure we represent you, whether that be on a local or national issue, and our Planning & Development committee worked hard over multiple meetings to form a comprehensive response to all questions in the consultation as well as adding further comments we thought we needed to bring to the Government’s attention.

We hope you take the time to read our response by following the link below.

We always welcome feedback from Croxley Green residents in the work we do, so if you have any comments on the Council’s response then get in touch with our Clerk, Ryan Bennett, at


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