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Senior Citizens Groups

Published: 20 March 2023

The Welcome Club—Brita Blackwell 01923 775408 Monday afternoons 2-4 pm Social Activities and Saturday afternoons 2-4 pm Ballroom & Sequence Dancing at the Red Cross Centre 55+

St Oswald’s Coffee Shop—Brian Thomson 01923 226850 Monday Mornings.

Solos – Is a group for single seniors that meet monthly on Sundays, between 3.00-5.00pm.  There are lots of fun things to be a part of at Solos, from walks, talks, quizzes and singing. Contact us at

Royal British Legion Women’s Section—161 Watford Road, Croxley Green— Denise Coleman 07986 393173 or the Club 01923 443210.

Coffee mornings are held on the first Thursday in the month from 10.30am until noon—except in May when it is the second Thursday. Coffee mornings are fund raisers for the Women’s Section Welfare Schemes and are therefore open to the public.

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