Social Group
Published: 20 March 2023
Getting Together Group at The Kitchen Croxley Wednesdays 2.30-4pm
Space Sen Herts meets at The Kitchen Croxley every 3rd Tuesday of the month 7-9pm
The Compassionate Café meets at The Kitchen Croxley on the first Friday of the month 10-11.30am
Men’s Breakfast On Saturday mornings at 7.45 a.m once a month (except August) we have a cooked breakfast – a popular menu is juice, cereals, and bacon butties – followed by a talk or discussion on a variety of subjects, both serious and not-so-serious. All men (young or old, churchgoers or not) are welcome.
For further information contact: Michael Hart 01923 221201, or Phil Brading 01923 492893.
On the first Wednesday of each month one or more of the men’s group team will be available for a chat at The Red House pub. These are very informal evenings , there is no need to let us know if you’re coming, but they offer a chance for men who are perhaps not a part of a home-group to get to know some other men at Church, and provide an opportunity for mutual support, company and conversation. Contact us at
‘The Network’ is aimed at those in their 20s-40s and meets throughout the year with a mixture of social events and discussion sessions. The discussion sessions are informal and vary in their content. They are accessible to everyone and you don’t have to be in the age group of 20s-40s to attend or be a regular church goer. Past discussions have ranged from what guides our voting decisions to prayer to sustainability. We hold 6 discussion evenings a year and often try to follow up on the theme of the monthly Spotlight service (which is held on the 3rd Sunday of each month). Social events have included trips to Top Golf, pub quizzes, meals and games evenings. We also organise a couple of annual activities aimed at those with families – a picnic at the start of the new school year and a children’s Christmas Party in December. If you are interested in being on the mailing list for the Network to get updates on future events then please contact Helen Cox on